The 4th German IPv6 Summit will take place in Potsdam at December 1-2, 2011. Hosted by the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering, the German IPv6 summit provides a forum in which overseas, European, and German experts are addressing current development of IPv6 deployment with a focus on automobile networking. The first day will start with keynotes of high-ranking representatives from government, industry and research on the usage of the new internet protokoll in the automobil and traffic sector as well as on ongoing strategies for IPv6 introduction. In the evening, the winners of the International IPv6 Application Contest 2011 will receive their awards in a festive ceremony, followed by a gala diner. The second day will complement the conference program by addressing the current state of IPv6 deployment and security-specific issues of IPv6 from various perspectives from endusers to service and content-providers including new and innovative IPv6 based applications.
The 4th German IPv6 Summit will be organized by the Hasso Plattner Institute at the University Potsdam in close cooperation with the German IPv6 Council, the national chapter of the International IPv6 Forum.
The German IPv6 Council has been established to group all the different persons in industry, research, politics and administration in the IPv6 field in Germany with the clear mission to advocate IPv6 by improving technology, market, and deployment user and enduser and industry awareness of IPv6, creating a quality and secure new Generation Internet.
The conference language is German.
Begrüßung | 00:27:05 | |
Begrüßung und Motivation | 00:10:06 | |
Zielsetzung des IPv6-Gipfels | 00:09:06 | |
International IPv6 Application Contest 2011 | 00:07:53 |
Begrüßung | 00:23:40 | |
The Big Show is in Asia | 00:12:49 | |
Internet Generations | 00:07:46 | |
Germany No. 1 for Native Pv6 Service Offering | 00:03:05 |
The Digital Agenda and Future Networks | 00:19:31 | |
Keynote | 00:19:31 |
Auszeichnung HPI-Fellow: Neelie Kroes | 00:01:51 | |
Auszeichnung | 00:01:51 |
Von Datenschutz bis Netzneutralität - IPv6 hat Sprengkraft für die Internetpolitik | 00:17:33 | |
Begrüßung | 00:06:59 | |
Blick in die Zukunft | 00:01:40 | |
Netzneutralität | 00:08:54 |
Why Bosch rigs up IPv6? | 00:25:20 | |
Company Introduction | 00:09:12 | |
Beispiele | 00:11:41 | |
Beispiel für eMobility | 00:04:27 |
Zum Fortschritt des nationalen IPv6-Aktionsplans | 00:21:08 | |
Kurzportrait eco e.V. | 00:09:08 | |
Geplanter BMWi Workshop | 00:12:00 |
IPv6-Contest: Vorstellung der Projekte | 00:56:16 | |
International IPv6 Application Contest 2011 | 00:08:17 | |
Wouter Coene | 00:07:12 | |
Ahmad AlSa'deh, Hosnie Rafiee | 00:09:15 | |
Matthias Wachs, Philipp Tölke | 00:11:06 | |
Maximilian Weigmann | 00:06:18 | |
Martin Röhricht | 00:09:09 | |
Jörg Lauwigi | 00:04:59 |
Abendprogramm und Preisverleihung | 00:45:40 | |
IPV6-Tag | 00:21:02 | |
Videobotschaft Vinton G. Cerf | 00:06:07 | |
IPV6 Application Contest | 00:13:32 | |
Studenten und Ideen | 00:04:59 |
IPv6, ein rein technisches Thema, oder? | 00:12:55 | |
Größenordnung IPv6 | 00:07:00 | |
Presse | 00:05:55 |
Scalable Networks - Evolving IP to 50 Billion Connections | 00:14:26 | |
50 Billion Devices | 00:09:17 | |
IPv6 Current Scenario | 00:05:09 |
IPv6 in einem Firmennetzwerk | 00:21:31 | |
Warum IPv6 - Bedeutung für Bosch IT | 00:08:38 | |
Projekt "IPv6 Pilot" | 00:07:44 | |
WAN: IPv6 readiness der Bosch Provider | 00:05:09 |
Internet der Dinge und IPv6 | 00:28:06 | |
Cinterion | 00:08:08 | |
Typical M2M Use Cases | 00:06:38 | |
M2M Pushing IPv6 or IPv6 Enabling M2M? | 00:13:20 |
LTE-Connected Car | 00:29:53 | |
Automotive Meets ICT | 00:10:10 | |
LTE - An All IP Network | 00:11:14 | |
Automotive and LTE | 00:08:29 |
simTD - Sichere intelligente Mobilität, Testfeld Deutschland | 00:33:18 | |
Motivation | 00:09:33 | |
Testfeld Deutschland | 00:16:53 | |
simTD-Architektur | 00:06:52 |
LISP - eine neue Routing Architektur und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der mobilen Kommunikation | 00:28:50 | |
Was ist LISP? | 00:11:58 | |
A LISP Packet Walk | 00:04:55 | |
LISP Use-Cases | 00:11:57 |
IPv6 und sein Nutzen für Anwendungen der Verkehrstelematik | 00:22:49 | |
Verkehrspolitische Bedeutung der Verkehrstelematik | 00:08:29 | |
Umsetzung eCall | 00:09:18 | |
Mobilitätsdatenmarktplatz | 00:05:02 |
Vorteile von IPv6 bei der mobilen Vernetzung von Einsatzfahrzeugen | 00:21:38 | |
Einsatzszenare mit vernetzten Fahrzeugen | 00:08:30 | |
Operative Forderungen | 00:08:25 | |
Erfolgte/laufende Aktivitäten | 00:04:43 |
IPv6 in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung | 00:20:11 | |
Unsere Basis | 00:09:33 | |
Transparente Anforderungen | 00:20:11 |